luni, 3 martie 2008

La Fonera&Whisher

La Fonera Whisher signal patch

You might have heard about, the idea is similar to the one FON has.
But Whisher is hardware independent and the signal is encrypted.
That's why I like it, but I would have to use the "MyPlace" signal of the Fonera.
That would allow everybody to access my private LAN and of course I don't want that.
Due to this I added another signal to my Fonera.

This patch will add a third signal to your Fonera, an WPA encrypted one.
You'll have "MyPlace", "FON_AP" and the new one: "WHISHER_AP"
But it's not possible to access your private LAN from this signal.
This makes it perfect for use with Whisher.

There is just one small and uncritical change to the original Fonera files.
Just download and extract the archive to the root of your Fonera:
root@LaFonera:~# wget
root@LaFonera:~# tar -xzf LaFonera-Whisher-signal-patch-101.tar.gz -C /
Now you should edit /etc/config/whisher (You just should change the password).
root@LaFonera:~# vi /etc/config/whisher
Now you just have to reboot your Fonera.

If it doesn't work for you, please inform me.

To remove it again just remove all the new files:

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Cu patch-ul pentru adaugarea Whisher,s-ar putea sa fie o mica problema cand va conectati pe SSID-ul WHISHER_AP,in caz ca aveti o problema de genul,rezolvarea e mai jos!

Firewall-ul (iptables) blocheaza obtinerea de ip pe portul udp 67.

In /etc/init.d/N55whisher I put a # in front of the second line of iptables statements, like this:

# don't allow traffic to your privat LAN
iptables -I INPUT 1 -i $WHISHER_INTERFACE -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP
iptables -I forwarding_rule 3 -i $WHISHER_INTERFACE -j NET_ACCESS
iptables -I forwarding_rule 4 -o $WHISHER_INTERFACE -j NET_ACCESS
#iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i "$WHISHER_INTERFACE" -j DROP

Don't forget to reload the firewall rules, for example by rebooting.